Welcome To Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurts, habits, and hang-ups.

Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our lives.

WHEN:  Celebrate Recovery meets on Monday Nights from 6:30 – 8:30 pm

          WHERE: Compass North Church

            2268 S Arlington Rd

            Akron OH   44319       

                       CHILD CARE IS PROVIDED!


12 Step Program

Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step program that helps persons with any type of pain, hurt, or addiction find freedom.


Celebrate Recovery offers individuals the opportunity to connect with others who are having similar struggles and build a fellowship through freedom.

Helping You Achieve Success

What Celebrate Recovery Is

Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Celebrate Recovery is based on God’s Word, the eight principles (Beatitudes)

God’s road to recovery, wholeness, growth, and spiritual maturity.

1. Celebrate Recovery is forward-looking.  We confront our past and move on. 

2. Celebrate Recovery emphasizes personal responsibility – When we stop hiding our own faults and stop hurling accusations at others, then the healing power of Christ can begin working in our minds, will, and emotions.

3. Celebrate Recovery emphasizes spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ. Total surrender of our lives to Christ. 

4. Celebrate Recovery utilizes the biblical truth that we need each other in order to grow spiritually and emotionally. It is built around small group interaction and the fellowship of a caring community. 

  5. Celebrate Recovery addresses all types of hurts, hang-ups, and habits. A large umbrella program under which a limitless number of issues can be dealt with. 

Who Is Celebrate Recovery For?

Celebrate Recovery is not just for persons who have issues with drugs or alcohol, but people who suffer from other hurts and hang-ups as well.

These hurts and hang-ups include but are not limited to Chemically Dependent, Co-Dependency, Physical/ Emotional, and Sexual Abuse, Adult Children of Family Dysfunction, Sexual Addiction, Eating Disorders and Food Addiction, Love and Relationship Addiction, Co-Dependent  Relationship with a Sexually Addicted Person, and Recovery From Anger.

What to expect at a Celebrate Recovery Meeting

Group leaders who know what it is like to be lost, broken, or hurt. Leaders who have overcome the same issues you are going through. Leaders who are now committed to helping you and others find hope and healing as well.  

Large Group 

3 Worship Songs – Taking time to clear your mind and enjoy encouraging music

 Celebrating Milestones – We celebrate each person beginning their journey,  or having 30 days or months, or years of victory!

 A Testimony or a Lesson – A testimony is someone sharing their victory story

 Lessons are from the 12 Steps to Recovery

  5 Minute Break

  Small Group 

  Ladies meet in one room and men meet in another room

Each person gets a chance to share if they want to. A share can be something from the lesson or testimony that was significant to them or success or challenge they are going through. We go around the room again asking to share a praise or positive.

We end our small group with prayer. 



The following is a list of things we ARE:

  • A safe place to share
  • A refuge
  • A place of belonging
  • A place to care for others and be cared for
  • Where respect is given to each member
  • Where confidentiality is nonnegotiable
  • A place to learn
  • A place to grow and become strong again
  • Where you can take off your mask
  • A possible turning point in your life

 The following are things we are NOT:

  • A place for selfish control
  • Therapy
  • A place for secrets
  • A place to look for dating relationships
  • A place to rescue or be rescued by others
  • A place for perfection
  • A long-term commitment
  • A place to judge others
  • A quick fix

We are happy to sign Court Ordered papers at the end of the evening

We do offer Men’s and Women’s Step Studies once or twice per year.

We can help you find an Accountability Partner or a Sponsor.

You do not need to sign up ahead of time – just show up.

You do not need to be a member of Compass North Church – all are welcome!

About Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery started in 1991 at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. At that time, the church was meeting at a high school gymnasium. John Baker wrote Pastor Rick Warren the “now-famous, concise, 13-page, single-spaced” letter outlining the vision God had given John for Celebrate Recovery. After reading John’s letter, Pastor Rick said, “Great, John — go do it!”

The first 10 years were the birth stage of Celebrate Recovery, and now God is calling us to take it to the world. There are now 35,000 Celebrate Recovery churches around the world, and that number continues to grow. We are part of a movement that is bringing the healing power of Jesus Christ to the hurting and broken through working Celebrate Recovery’s Step Studies, The Journey Begins, and The Journey Continues. To date, over 5 million individuals have completed a Step Study.

– Source Celebrate Recovery Website


Child Care Options

At Compass North we offer child care for all who attend our Celebrate Recovery Groups.

We are in the process of adding “Celebration Place” and “The Landing” which will help kids who have had parents in addiction.

The tentative date for Celebration Place and Landing will be January.

Need More Information & Resources?

Check out Relink